Sunday, November 18, 2007

**American Society of Interior Design Student Chapter Announcements**

Hi everyone! We have a few things coming up right after Thanksgiving so I wanted to send an e-mail to get it all out there to you. So here goes!

White Elephant Sale Fundraiser
- on Monday, November 26th we'll be taking your donations for the ASID Annual White Elephant Sale Fundraiser. Bring your items into Ayers 101 between 1:00 and 5:00 and it will all be sorted a ready for the sale on Wednesday, November 28th. I've attached a flyer for the sale - and gather your items over the break because we needs lots and lots of stuff to sell! Clothes, shoes, CD's, posters, household items, jewelry - anything that is clean and sell-able would be great! We also need some volunteers to help work during the sale. We'll be setting up starting at 10:45, and then we'll need volunteers all day, plus more for a quick clean-up starting at 5:00 PM. I'm attaching a sheet showing the volunteer slots, so you can see where we need some help. E-mail me and I can add you to the list. Thanks so much!!

Luminaire Design Competition - For those of you interested in product design, here is the flyer for the ASID-sponsored Luminaire Design Competition that we are holding next spring! I won't say much about it as it's on the flyer, but the due dates are next March, so starting thinking about ideas now - there are 2-$200 cash prizes!!

ASID Officer Elections -
We have 3 open officer positions for the Spring, so we will be holding officer elections during our next meeting on December 5th. It doesn't matter what year you are, and you can still hold a position next school year if you choose to hold one next spring. These are great opportunities if you want to get your feet wet as an officer, plus it will look great on your resume! The open positions are as follows:
  • Publicity Chair - Responsible for posting calendar of events and meetings and keeping ASID headquarters informed of newsworthy events as his/her school. Ashley Carrion currently holds this position.
  • Competitions Chair - Keeps all student members up to date on current contests, scholarships, and opportunities within the design community. This position requires time for research, as well as, keeping in contact with the faculty advisor and officers. Chelsea Grabham currently holds this position.
  • Fundraising Chair - Plans events, such as raffles and sales, and is responsible for knowing university policies regarding fundraiser and should guide the student chapter accordingly. Angela Polimeno currently holds this position.
If you are interested in holding one of these positions, we will be holding our elections during the meeting on Wednesday, December 5th. We know that not everyone can attend the ASID Meetings so we'll be holding a longer meeting - WITH FOOD AND DRINKS!!! - so that people can come and go as their schedule permits and that everyone can see who is running (by reading their statements) and can put in their vote. I will keep you updated on the actual meeting time and with more details soon.

Feel free to contact me, or any other officer, with any questions!

Have a good break! ...Lindsay Christensen, ASID President, 530.708.0207

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